Rich Township High School




(Amended – May 4, 2022)



The name of this organization will be the Rich Township High School Parent, Teacher, Student Organization (PTSO).  Herein thereafter will be referred to as “PTSO”.



Section 1.  The PTSO’s mission statement is as follows:

To compliment the school with additional opportunities and for parents, teachers students/staff to learn, socialize, communicate & grow.  It is also the purpose of the PTSO to support the student body through community involvement & fundraising.



Section 2.  Vision

To empower parents, teachers, students, and community members to support the development of a culturally relevant, innovative school that provides a foundation of opportunities for our students to thrive.


Section 3.  Values

Our values: 

·      Integrity

·      Collaboration

·      Commitment

·      Role model,

·      Support open communication, scholarship opportunity & growth.

We believe that student success is more likely to occur …

1.    when all of our stakeholders are treated with respect in a safe, caring learning environment.

2.    when the voices of our students, our staff, our parents, our alumni, our communities, and our school board are heard, considered, and addressed.

3.    when the unique identity of our students is valued and celebrated. when our students are exposed to our rich cultural diversity.

4.    when the school district works in partnership with our communities.

5.    when positive, collaborative relationships are developed between our students and the adults who work with them.

6.    when social/emotional skills as well as academic skills are emphasized.

7.    when student work products reflect communication, critical thinking, collaboration, creativity, and self-discovery.

8.    when students have the best educational experience for their individual post-secondary success.





Section 1.    This PTSO will neither seek to, nor direct, the administrative activities of the school or control its policies. 

Section 2.    This PTSO may cooperate with other PTSOs and agencies active in promoting the students, parents, or schools’ best interest.

Section 3.    The purpose of the conflict-of-interest guidelines is to protect this tax-exempt status of the PTSO’s interest when it is contemplating entering into a transaction or arrangement that might benefit the private interest of an officer or director of the PTSO; or might result in a possible excess benefit transaction.  This policy is intended to supplement but not replace any applicable state & federal laws governing conflict of interest applicable to nonprofit and charitable organizations.

Section 4.    The PTSO shall be non-commercial & non-partisan.  It shall not endorse a commercial enterprise or political candidate.  The name of the PTSO or the name of any members in their official capacities shall not be used in connection with any commercial concern without prior, written and/or expressed consent.



Section 1.    Any person interested in promoting the mission and vision of the PTSO, may become a member of this PTSO upon payment of dues.  Families with Senior students must paid by October 31st to qualify for PTSO scholarships. 

Section 2.    Annual dues are $10.00 per Rich Township High School registered household.

Section 3.    The dues will be collected exclusively for the use of the Rich Township High School PTSO.




Section 1.    The Executive Board

The Executive Board consists of: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Parliamatarian, and 3 Parent Liaisons

Principals or their designee shall act as an ex-officio advisor to the executive board.

The responsibilities of the Executive Board will be to:

a.    Interpret and act accordingly in accordance with the Bylaws of the PTSO.

b.    Recommend and implement activities to fulfill the purpose of the PTSO.

c.    Prepare a budget for the PTSO.

d.    Meet regularly on dates determined.  Additional meetings may be called by the President or Vice-President.  Meeting locations will be determined by the Executive Board.

e.    A majority of the Executive Board will constitute a quorum for the purpose of conducting official business.

f.     Approve any expenditure relating to the business of the PTSO.  Any expenditures over $100.00 require the approval of the President or Vice-President.  The President and Treasurer must sign for payment.

g.    Keep the membership informed of activities and functions of the PTSO; and

h.    Fill any vacancies within the Executive Board.  Should the President vacate, the Vice President automatically becomes President.


Section 2.  The Elected Officers

Officers will include President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Parlimatarian & Three Parent Liaisons.

The Officers will:

a.    Be voting for members of the Executive Board.

b.    Be active for a period of two (2) years, coinciding with the school year.

c.    Attend a minimum of 75% of all General Membership meetings or the Officer may be removed from office by remaining Executive Board members; and

d.    Have the opportunity to hold the same office for no more than two terms (4 consecutive years if re-elected).



a.  Is the executive head of the PTSO with full power to enforce and uphold the By-Laws of the PTSO.

b.  Presides at all Executive and General Membership meetings and governs same with parliamentary procedure. 

c.  Is the Ex-officio member of all committees of the PTSO. 

d.  Prepares an agenda for the General Membership meeting.

e.  Must be bonded at the expense of the PTSO.

Vice President: 

a.    Assists the President in the work of the President’s office. 

b.    In the absence of the President or the President’s inability to serve, preside at all meetings and perform all duties otherwise performed by the president.

c.    Upon approval by the local Executive Board, be authorized to act as co-signer of checks drawn on the local funds in place of either the President, Secretary or Treasurer. 

d.    Will update and maintain accurate rosters for all committees.

e.    Collects annual reports from each committee of the PTSO.  All committees of the PTSO will keep a detailed report of their committee activities that can be updated and revised.  This information is to be held by the Vice President for presentation to the Executive Board.

f.     Must be bonded at the expense of the PTSO




a.  Keeps records of the Executive Board and General Membership meetings.  Any requests for meeting minutes will be responded to within (5) business days.

b.  Receives & keeps on file all correspondence and legal documents pertaining to the PTSO. 

c.  Notifies all Executive Board Members of meetings and upcoming events. 

d.  Provides a copy of the By-Laws to each new member upon request.

e.  Prepare written notification of all special functions

f.   Prepare and email notification of PTSO meetings to the General Membership.

g.  Maintains membership rooster.



a.  Must be bonded at the expense of the PTSO. 

b.  Receives, records and deposits all money.  Including maintaining petty cash boxes during PTSO sponsored events.

c.  Deposits and disburses funds under the name Rich Township PTSO and pays out funds only as authorized by the Executive Board.

d.  All funds will be disbursed by check with two (2) signatures.  Those authorized to sign checks are the President, Vice President, and Treasurer. No two (2) members of the same household may be authorized to sign checks.

e.  Will serve as Treasurer for all standing committees.

f.   Maintains and presents a monthly report to the general membership. Report to include all items donated to and purchased by the PTSO.  The annual Treasurer’s report is due before the end of the school year.  

g.  Maintains a record of all paid PTSO membership.

h.  Work with the President and Vice-President to create a budget to be presented to the Executive Board.  This budget will be presented to the general membership at the third PTSO meeting (November).

i.   The PTSO account must not be linked with any other banking account (i.e., personal).


a.    Provides guidance on parliamentarian rules and procedures in accordance with Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised

Parent Liaison(s):

a.  Communicates parent/guardian questions and concerns to Executive Board and follow up to ensure that the responses are addressed in a timely manner with the school administration.

b.  Maintains healthy relationships with school administration; and takes an active role in promoting and supporting programs for Rich Township Students to keep them engaged in the high school experience.

c.  Assists with committees, as necessary, for PTSO fundraising and other activities.  

d.  Disseminates pertinent information regarding PTSO meetings such as dates, location, time & agendas within a timely manner.

e.  Promote PTSO membership to non-members.

f. Develop and support actions listed in the membership recruitment plan.

Section 2.1.

Non-elected Officers:

Teacher/Staff & Student Liaison:

Non-elected Officers consists of Teacher/Staff Liaison & Student Liaison.  These Officers will report on matters of concern relating to teachers, staff & students as well as assisting with other duties as assigned

Ex-officio Advisor

The ex-officio advisor shall be appointed by the principal and will serve as a consultant to the executive board regarding school policy. The ex-officio advisor shall have no voting privileges on the board. 

Section 3.  Elections:  

Nominations for new Executive Board Offices will be taken from the general membership. Those nominations will subsequently be presented to the general membership for election to the Executive Board at the Annual meeting in (April). 

To be elected, a candidate must be in good standing (paid membership, regular meeting attendance, and active participation in PSTO sponsored events) and receive a majority of the votes from paid members. 

Section 4.  Eligibility 

To be nominated for an officer position, the member must be a parent/guardian of a current 9th, 10th, 11th, or 12th grade Rich Township High School student.

To be appointed for the position of Chairperson, the member must be a parent/guardian in good standing; or display valued leadership qualities and considered a community leader.  

Sections 5.  Funds 

a.    Accounting of the funds for the PTSO will be on a fiscal year basis running from July1st (current year) through June 30th (following year).  The financial records must be reviewed yearly and turned over to the newly elected Treasurer by July 1.

b.    All funds will be used for the approved activities of the PTSO.

c.    All funds of the PTSO will be deposited at such financial institution as agreed upon by the Executive Board and the Principal. 

d.    All debit card usage must be approved by the Executive Board prior to purchases

e.    No Executive Board member or committee Chairperson may contractually bind the PTSO without Executive Board approval.  

Section 6.  Meetings 

General Membership meetings will be held on dates established by the Executive Board. 

All members present at a General meeting will constitute a quorum. 

A majority of the Executive Board will constitute a quorum for the purpose of conducting official business. 

Section 7.  Committees 

The Executive Board will establish committees of the membership as necessary to further the goals of the PTSO; and will determine the purpose, scope, and responsibilities of each committee. The standing PTSO Committees consist of:

1.    Scholarship

2.    Fundraising

3.    Event Planning

Each committee will have a chairperson as determined within the committee.  The Chairperson will be responsible for the orderly conduct of its business.  Membership for each committee will consist of volunteers from the membership of the PTSO. 

Each committee will hold meetings as it deems necessary and will update the general membership accordingly.

Each committee will abide by the By-Laws of the PTSO. 

No committee may expend or commit to expend funds of the PTSO without the approval of the Executive Board. 


Section 7.1.  Committee Chairpersons:

Committee Chairpersons will hold office for a period of one (1) year or for a term specified by the Executive Board, commencing immediately following appointment.  If a vacancy occurs (by removal or resignation), the committee will determine a replacement. 


Section 8.  Communications

The Executive Board will be responsible for communication to the general membership (i.e., email, social media or phone).

All parents and dues paying members will have access to the various forms of communication.

The Executive Board’s Secretary will be the point of contact between Rich Township & the general membership.  The Secretary will delegate communication responsibilities as necessary.  No personal email accounts will be linked to the PTSO email.

Section 9. Removal

Members engaged in unethical and/or conduct unbecoming that does not reflect the values of the PTSO can be removed.


Section 10.  Amendments

These By-Laws may be amended at any Executive Board meeting of the PTSO by a two-thirds majority vote of the membership present